Thursday, June 23, 2011

Norway Dragon Jam Shuttle!

Welcome to Norway, the land of the frozen ground and beautiful blonde people. Its also the land of the Jam. That's right, Dragon's Jam has landed in Oslo and the reception couldn't be warmer for this hot style.

Dropping now, get it while it's hot.

The Dragon Jam Shuffle all good in the hood.
This night began with a little product training
The students

The teacher

Feed time.

Bibs required.

Roger Kleivdal Red Lobster, thats wassup.

Same as above, bur Gerome Mathieu

Ladies and Jam, two great things together at last.

Tore  Holvik..... getting physical with his dinner.

Wearing sunglasses - now cool.

Andy Nulds..... wants to be alone with his lobster.

Live and closeup.

Good times, get better with beer.

Gerome and Luka Jeromel talk shop.

I'll be you do.

Luka and Ze.

Gerome and Roger..... Gerome has a lot of questions most of the time, even more when learning a new game.

Form +

Ahh Dragon's Lil'D was at the party.

That's whats up!



Monday, June 20, 2011

Dragon Letting Loose

When you work hard at making the best sunglasses on the market, sometimes you just really need to let loose. Here is our favorite sunglass designer with our international sales killer, Ashley, having some fun.

What happens when co-workers drink together?

You get drunk...that’s what happens. Duh. Myself and our International Department resident bad ass Ashley went out with our other International Department resident bad ass/aussie-Canadian Jane (not pictured). Jane decided it would be fun to take photos of Ash and I ( was Friday and we were celebrating). She then proceeded to do some super artsy fancy treatments on said photos which begs the question “What happened to normal photos taken with a disposable camera? Where did those days go?” Oh, that’s right they are buried underground with the dinosaurs...but I digress...Anyway, I tried to take photos of them as well but I didn’t know how to work Jane’s phone and she kept yelling at me, so I got nervous. And when I get nervous the only cure for that is more Pinot Grigio. Waitress! 

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